El Palacio de Las Dueñas from Seville to China with Acceptus Producciones


If in 2019 Acceptus, with our music representation and production division, made the leap from Seville to Havana, in 2020 it is our audiovisual label, Acceptus Productions that jumps. This time to the Far East. We are leaving Seville to China.

From Seville to China. From China to Seville.

ヌᄈ 杜埃纳宫殿 (塞维利亚,西班牙)

视听制作 Acceptus Productions

Palais de "Las Dueñas" (Séville, Spain)

Production Audiovisuelle : Acceptus Producciones

Palace of "Las Dueñas" (Seville, Spain)

Betting on the international tourism, in Acceptus Productions we have made a promotional video of the Sevillian Palace of "Las Dueñas" with destination China. We demonstrate, once again, our link to art and our special sensibility and way of understanding the audiovisual.

Although focused mainly on the Chinese public, and recorded in their language, the video can be seen with subtitles in Spanish and French.


#AcceptProductions, where the art is.

