This is the 3rd chapter of "Descúbrenos", our personal mini-series so that you can take a quick look at our work, milestones, projects...
In 2015 we immortalised (the only professional recording of this work in Spain and the second in Europe) George Enescu's String Octet. This magnificent chamber work of great difficulty and beautiful sonority was performed by international artists during the 2015 Joaquín Turina International Chamber Music Festival.
At Acceptus Producciones we understood that this moment, which was to be unique, had to be immortalised, and so we did so, betting on the art and chamber music excellence that Benedicte Palko, founder and artistic director of the Festival, brought to Seville. This recording was the great tool that allowed the continuation of the Festival in 2017, a year in which Acceptus took an important role in the work of sponsorship, coordination, logistics, costumes and, of course, audiovisual production.
Some people doubt the importance of immortalising artistic moments (you can find more info in this news item https://www.eventplannerspain.com/blog/acceptus-eventos-producciones-y-diseno/la-importancia-de-una-buena-produccion-audiovisual ) that we know are going to be unrepeatable. We don't. And time (this time of pandemic) has shown that when it is not possible to do live concerts, having a history of outstanding events is what saves culture and feeds the souls of those who love it.
If you are one of those who love music and in particular chamber music, you cannot miss the following links:
FESTIVAL TURINA 2015, George Enescu, octet for strings op.7
FESTIVAL TURINA 2017, Closing Concert
At #AcceptusEvents and #AcceptusProductions we are where the art is.
Previous chapters of our miniseries:
Chapter 1 "Discover us..." https://www.eventplannerspain.com/en/blog/acceptus-eventos-producciones-y-diseno/descubrenos-chapter-1
Chapter 2 "Discover us..." https://www.eventplannerspain.com/en/blog/acceptus-eventos-producciones-y-diseno/descubrenos-chapter-2