Treasure hunt at Palma Aquarium

Featuring among Palma Aquarium Eventos’ team-building offerings is a treasure hunt in the depths of the ocean.

In this team-building activity, each group takes a different route. The winner is the first to obtain the answers to the 20 questions contained in the questionnaire given to each team at the beginning of the activity and which has managed to successfully meet all the challenges, while not skipping any of the control points.

This is a dynamic activity held indoors in which all group members should participate. For all these reasons, it is a magnificent option during the winter months. The challenges have been designed for people of all ages and can also be customized.

The duration of this totally client-centric activity is between one and a half and two hours. We also have printed material in several languages.

If you thought that you had already discovered everything that Mallorca has to offer, now you have a new experience. Are you ready?

Palma Aquarium
