All the administrations are coming together to hold the fair from 19 to 23 May, which aims to relaunch tourism by emphasising safe travel.
Fitur will be a global showcase for analysing initiatives such as health passports, tourist corridors and diagnostic tests at origin and destination.
22 February 2021 - Fitur 2021, in its special edition Tourism is back, confirms that it will be held from 19 to 23 May, and will be the first major experience of safe international mobility in Spain.
This has been ratified by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Government of Spain, following its meeting on 19 February with representatives of IFEMA and all the administrations and organisations involved in holding this major international tourism fair, which seeks to relaunch tourism globally and consolidate Spain as a prescriber of safe tourism.
The Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto; the President of the IFEMA Executive Committee, José Vicente de los Mozos; the President of IBERIA and of the Fitur Organising Committee, Javier Sánchez Prieto; the Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Community of Madrid, Marta Rivera de la Cruz, and the Madrid City Council Tourism Delegate, Almudena Maíllo, have confirmed the necessary support to make FITUR the great platform for boosting the tourism and travel sector, committing the necessary resources to make the event a safe space from a health point of view and to offer a digital window on the world.
In the words of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, "holding Fitur is good news because it allows us to show the world that Spain is synonymous with a quality and safe destination. Fitur will also be a global showcase to discuss initiatives such as health passports, tourist corridors, diagnostic tests, etc., but it also represents a milestone for the tourism sector, which faces 2021 with optimism due to the arrival of vaccines, which offers a horizon for the reactivation of the sector".
This idea was emphasised by the Chairman of IFEMA's Executive Committee, José Vicente de los Mozos, who said that "we are going to concentrate all our efforts on safeguarding one of the world's leading tourism fairs, Fitur, on which the different players in an industry that needs to speed up its recovery and which has now proved more than ever to be a major driving force for the economy are pinning their hopes on this May's event. At IFEMA we have sufficient protocols and conditions in place for this event to take place under the highest health and safety standards".
In this regard, and with the aim of maximising the safety of all those attending Fitur and to define an ultra-safe space for the development of the world's largest tourism industry event, IFEMA representatives explained that, in addition to the mandatory PCR tests at origin and rapid tests in situ, a protocol has been developed that brings together all the necessary measures to organise the flow of attendees and their mobility; establishing capacity controls, safety distances, the elimination of direct contact by means of digital registration, and the incorporation of the latest technologies for health safety and the counting of attendees, and especially for air renewal in halls.
With reference to this last aspect of ventilation, it is worth highlighting the attention paid to minimising the risk of contagion by air, such as the air conditioning systems. All IFEMA pavilions are equipped with a ventilation system that guarantees 100% outside air, being able to renew all the air in the pavilion in just over 20 minutes, maintaining at all times the comfortable temperature necessary for the development of the activity.
To date, Fitur 2021, which has been recognised by the Government as an Event of Exceptional Public Interest, has marketed 70% of the area reserved at IFEMA, with more than 41,200 net square metres.