Tron Led Creartys #untaggable

The agency Portavoz got in contact with Creartys because it needed a “untaggable” proposal for the presentation of the new Audi Q2 at the official dealership Huertas Motor Audi. The new Audi Q2 is a sports utility vehicle (SUV), with a compact, groundbreaking design, a car that can be labelled in so many ways that there is only one way to define it: #untaggable. This hashtag was central to the car’s launch campaign, “the best is impossible to tag”, and to Creartys’ proposal since Portavoz needed a show that transmitted perfectly this idea.

Creartys proposed Tron Led featuring three dancers. This unique show combines technology and urban dance, on the basis of choreographies inspired by break dancing and costumes studded with 600 high-brightness LEDs that create spectacular effects.

After the welcome cockktail party, the manager of the dealership delivered a short speech, followed by the screening the new Audi Q2’s spot, while the lights were dimmed and Creartys’ dancers took centre stage. After the advertisment, the dancers of Tron Led began their choreography, becoming invisible before reappearing in different places on the stage in a matter of seconds. Their LED costumes switched on and off to the rhythm of the music, creating the illusion that they were being teletransported from one place to another. After finishing the choreography, they approached two vehicles covered with canvases bearing the hashtag symbol (#) and then uncovered them, thus presenting the new Q2, the LEDs of their customes matching the colour of the cars. These optical illusions provoked emotions impossible to describe: an #untaggable show.

Tron Led 3 TV Creartys from CREARTYS on Vimeo.
