Olympic Congress Centre hosts third edition of rare disease congress


Scheduled to be held at the Olympic Congress Centre from 6-7 June, the event will address the issue of diagnosing and researching into rare disease – few people are aware that there exist between 6,000-8,000 affecting 6-8% of the world population.

In addition to information, keynotes and cases studies, the congress’s aim is heighten the awareness of laboratory technicians about the enormous value of their work and research into these types of diseases. Since, on working in diagnostic and treatment support services, they could help to make advances in finding solutions or cures. But, unfortunately, not enough time is dedicated to the issue. For this reason, one of the other objectives of the congress is to make the diagnosis, tracking and treatment of rare diseases a global priority.

Unfortunately, rare diseases also affect children because the majority of them are genetic. Furthermore, in some cases the disease is chronic or progressive and in others special treatment is required. So, innovative solutions are called for not only on a scientific and healthcare level, but also on a social, economic and organizational one.

With the aim of helping these patients, family members, practitioners, scientists and researchers are pooling resources to discover a treatment, developing new therapies, improving the quality of life of patients and investing in private R&D companies. In this way, research into rare diseases makes it easier to understand the biology of common ones. Although that so few rare diseases have officially approved treatments is indeed a sad state of affairs.

The Olympic Congress Centre hosts the 3rd edition of a rare disease congress
