Videogames, Talent and Business


Videogames appeared on the scene at the end of the 1970s. Nowadays, they are a consolidated fixture, in form or another, in the majority of households.

Until now, videogames have been all but exclusively confined to leisure and the younger generations, although recently experts in fields such as learning psychology, pedagogy and science in general have been applying them to education and learning in general.

Fully aware of this reality, Atman has introduced videogames into the corporate world, specifically in the development of talent and team entertainment.

In its determination to continuously innovate and provide the best tools for developing talent and entertaining winning teams, Atman has incorporated videogames in its new line of services, in the following two formats:
- The use of existing platforms and games.
- The development of customized videogames.

The company is currently developing a videogame for professional skills training and evaluation.

Everest, the great challenge
With this activity, Atman’s mountaineering specialists transfer real expeditions to a closed space, with a realism never seen before.

To create this virual reality, the company uses real audiovisual footage and mountaineering equipment. By screening real images of the 2006 Everest expedition, an authentic experience is created during which participants have to pass mountaineering simulation tests.

In this way, participants encounter and experience real situations that test their skill in overcoming difficulties. At Atman, mountains such as Everest, Cho Oyo and, more recently, Mt. Mckinley in Alaska have been climbed.

All the experience gleaned from these expeditions is shared with participants during the simulation workshop.
