Tournai-Paris First Stage of Cultural Tour L’Aube de l’Europe: les Francs et les Wisigots


This cultural tour has its origin in the French locality of Vouillé, next to Poitiers, where in 507 the Franks and Visigoths fought a famous battle. King Alaric died on the battlefield and the Visigoths retreated south towards Hispania; Clovis, on the other hand, consolidated the Franks’ hold over their territory.

The first stage of this tour starts at Tournai, where the tomb of Childeric, the first Merovingian king and father of Clovis, was discovered, and follows the route covered by the Franks to Paris.

The participants in the tour will start out from Toledo by coach, accompanied by a qualified historian specializing in teaching who will introduce them to the world of the Visigoths, Franks and Merovingians and describe the places of note.

The participants will be able to opt for 2- or 3-star hotel accommodation in Vouillé (France), while accommodation in Tournai (Belgium) has been provided for at a 3-star hotel and in Paris and Bordeaux at 4-star hotels.

Since lunch time will coincide with transfers or cultural visits, the participants will make their own arrangements.

Group dinners will be booked in advance, except in Paris and Bordeaux, where the participants will be free to do as they please.

Since the trip is organized by the Urbs Regia Cultural Association, non-members will be expected to pay a surcharge of 2% of the total cost of the package.

For further information on the trip and prices, download the programme (in Spanish).
