Sixt: You’ll Only Find This Much Horse Power at a Lower Price in a Packet of Ready-Made Canelones


With this campaign theme, Sixt is again making the most of a hot topic to engage its target audience.

Sixt Rent-a-Car is notorious for using hot topics in its ad campaigns. On this occasion, the car rental firm has used the controversy about the recent detection of horse meat in several of the ready-made foods of brands as well-known as Nestlé and Ikea, who have been forced to withdraw these products from the market. The use of horse meat in products that the public believed to be 100% beef has come as a great surprise to many. Sixt’s marketing team has decided to use a play on words to create an ad campaign that is generating an enormous amount of buzz in social networks like Facebook and on Sixt’s own website.

Estanislao de Mata, CEO of Sixt in Spain: "We have never managed to create so much buzz in Facebook with one of our marketing campaigns. As a result of launching this campaign, we have obtained a record number of fans."

With this campaign theme, Sixt is again making the most of a hot topic to engage its target audience.

Sixt has made a name for itself in France and Germany with its controversial-humorous campaigns. For instance, one ad featured a small French car and the title: "Do as Madame Bruni. Choose a small Frenchman. Like, for example, the new Citroën Picasso!" The ad generated an enormous amount of buzz in France, as well as increasing brand awareness.

Likewise, in Italy, a controversial issue was used to announce the beginning of the convertible rental season: "Mr Berlusconi must be pleased. The top-less season will be starting soon."
