Saragossa to Host 2010 MICE Forum


Saragossa will be hosting the 2010 MICE Forum, a platform for experts and professionals working in the business tourism industry, from 16-17 June.

The MICE Forum is geared to members of SCB (Spain Convention Bureau), all members of Spanish convention bureaux, and all professionals working in the Spanish business tourism industry.

During the event, keynote speakers and meetings and event professionals will discuss some of the burning questions affecting the Spanish MICE market. The different keynote addresses and roundtables will serve to address the trends observed in a variety of MICE segments, including association and corporate events. In addition, questions such as the evolution of incentive trips, the impact of the economy on the industry, and the real importance of social networks as promotion channels, will be discussed. Likewise, the current trends observed with respect to convention bureaux will also be broached.

The forum is organized by Zaragoza Congresos, Turespaña and SCB.
