One Hundred and Sixty-six Companies Have Been Awarded the “Andalusian Natural Park Hallmark”


The aim of this initiative, which commenced in 2000 within the framework of the EU’s ADAPT programme, is to promote sustainable growth and the commercialisation of products coming from areas under protection.

Awarded to products and services related to three sectors
The hallmark is awarded to companies operating in Andalusian parks, such as country accommodation, hotels, restaurants and active tourism and outdoor leisure agencies, or manufacturing natural or handmade products. To obtain the award, companies have to fulfil certain environmental requirements, as well as origin and quality criteria, when rending their services or manufacturing their products.

Cadiz is the leading Andalusian province
With 33, Cadiz is the province with the largest number of companies awarded the Andalusian Natural Park Hallmark by the Regional Environmental Department, followed by Jaen (31), Granada (22), Huelva (21), Malaga (20), Almeria (19), Seville (11) and Cordova (9). Of the 166 award-winning companies, 89 are related to the tourist industry.
