In the first two months of the year, the Madrid-based event staff and model agency NeoStyle has participated in a wide range of jobs, from fashion catalogues to business meetings, revealing the breadth of its services.
In February, NeoStyle provided the models for an Italian multi-brand showroom, an event in which it participates on a quarterly basis. Furthermore, the agency’s most important January commissions included the Olimara fashion catalogue, the Café Santa Teresa calendar and the Toyota meetings for which its supplies event staff every three months.
Show and living museum for Air France
On the occasion of the anniversary of Air France, NeoStyle was commissioned to supply 12 models, styled in various periods by the agency’s hairdressers and make-up artists, as well as a number of event staff, for a show and living museum that took place at the French Embassy on 2 December 2010.
NeoStyle at the anniversary of Air France
Furthermore, NeoStyle provided the event staff for the presentation of the Orthography of the Spanish Language at the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, which was held last December. The agency collaborates on a regular basis with the Royal Academy.