Gaudí dreams by Spaintacular

Spaintacular & Sintonizart have teamed up again with spectacular results. Firstly, at the W Hotel, the band created by Sintonizart Luhema fully displayed its talent at a flamenco chill out session full of modern folklore. A spectacular flamenco ballet entertained the guests.

Secondly, at the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC) Sintonizart yet again demonstrated its artistic and technical skills.

The master of ceremonies Dali managed to transport the audience to an earlier time with a touch of humour. ‘Spanish Passion’, ‘Ciberflamenco’ and the ‘Helium Show’ gave the evening of touch of colour and creativity. The shows ‘Hombre Bola’ and ‘Magic Lamps’ transformed the dinner into a discotheque.

A two-day event in two of Barcelona’s emblematic venues, produced by Spaintacular & Sintonizart, two firms that, year after year, have strengthened their ties and proved that they make a great team.

Spaintacular & Sintonizart - Hotel W & MNAC from SINTONIZART on Vimeo.
