Forum Evolucion Burgos is now a venue with cardioprotection

Since the beginning of the month, Forum Evolution Burgos is yet another cadrioprotected venue in the city of Burgos, with the installation of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), approved for use according to the legislation in force, capable of analyzing the heart rhythm, identifying fatal arrhythmias, and administering an electric shock in order de reestablish a viable rhythm, with a high level of safety.

In the words of the manager of Forum Evolucion, Juanjo Pastor, “Our aim has been to heighten awareness of a social need to save lives, so the people attending our congresses, corporate events, shows and exhibitions feel safer as regards possible heart problems.”

Cardiovascular events are the primary cause of death in the West, with approximately 30,000 deaths a year in Spain.

Each minute transpiring after a heart attack reduces the possibilities of survival by between 7-10%. Medical attention should be sought preferably within 3-4 minutes.
