An experiential event tailor-made for the company Gira

Innovation, future and transformation.

Sintonizart says goodbye to a year full of unique events, a year in which teamwork has taken the production company to a whole new level. We bid farewell to 2017 highlighting the event held last November in the Truss space in Madrid for the company Gira. A celebratory event where sensations and transformations played a leading role and were the motivational factor for the attendees at the same time. A tailor-made experiential event with interactive installations and mobile tastings made in Sintonizart, which transported the guests towards an unknown dimension.

The theme of the event revolved around the concept Sensority Fest, a feast of the senses designed by creative director Kio Aubà, a specialist in the production of scenic formats focused on generating sensations, with future and innovation as key concepts. Everything was transformed in real-time to surprise the audience.

As for the new acts that were present at the event, we highlight the Cocktail Table Lady who served illuminated glasses. An installation in which attendees could paint the walls with images and videos. A unique photo booth expressed a science fiction aesthetic. Futuristic hostesses with mobile tastings offered drinks in test tubes that release smoke. A DJ played music on a translucent glass. Interactive bartenders amazed the audience by performing a live tasting show. A cocktail lab turned into a live show creating drinks and molecules with infinite flavours.

Un evento experiencial a medida para la empresa Gira from SINTONIZART on Vimeo.
