Dock of the Caravels: a Historic Place


On 3 August 1492, an admiral and his crew prepared to set sail from the port of Palos de la Frontera on a voyage of discovery, which, unknown to them, would take to the New World.

Es.cultura (Eventos + Comunicación) has remembered the chief players in one of the most important chapters of history, recreating the event in the same place where it occurred centuries ago: the Dock of the Caravels, in Huelva.

With the slogan “Rediscovering America”, last month the people who attended the event on the Dock of the Caravels witnessed a performance in which Christopher Columbus and the Pizon brothers boarded the splendid replicas of the Pinta, Niña and Santa Maria, moored in the beautiful locality of Palos de la Frontera.

Es.cultura was commissioned to breathe life into these illustrious personages who, together with Queen Isabel, played out the historic moment before the audience in an original and fun way.

In this way, the audience could feel what it was like to be a crew member on that expedition and form a part of an event that would change the course of history, while underlining the important contribution of Huelva to this epic voyage of discovery.
