Burgos host evolution and natural science conference


More than 200 researchers, museum directors and university lecturers attended the 21st biennial of the Spanish Royal Society of Natural History.

Science museum directors and curators and lecturers and researchers from all over the world attend the conference held at Burgos’ Museum of Human Evolution from 2-5 September.

The Spanish Royal Society of Natural History chose Burgos to host its 21st biennial that, under the slogan "Evolution, Research and Didactics", addressed studies, works and discoveries related to geology, paleontology, zoology, botany and, in general, history and natural sciences.

For the Burgos Convention Bureau this major international event has served to showcase the city’s natural and historical heritage and, in particular, the Atapuerca archaeological site, which was recently declared "of outstanding universal value" by UNESCO.

Matthias Meyer, a world authority on ancient DNA and human evolution studies, and one of the promoters of the study on the discovery of mitochondrial DNA in human fossil from the "Sima de los Huesos" (the Pit of Bones) site at Atapuerca, delivered the event’s opening keynote address.

A site at Atapuerca
