Boosting Your Link-based Popularity


Coinciding with a recent refining of its link-weighting algorithms, Google has established clear-cut criteria for assessing link popularity. Basically, links earned through quality, ideas, originality and launching a site as a resource are likely to be ranked higher by the Google algorithm than paid or exchanged links.

Ways of optimising link-based popularity
While paid and exchanged links are now penalised by Google’s new link-weighting algorithm, the market is moving towards organic links; that is to say, earned links. The chief way of achieving this type of link is to optimise content so that subject-related or trusted web sites link to you out of choice. Another recent method, known as “link-baiting”, involves submitting handcrafted articles to specialised services, such as, or earning a reputation in a given field through services like

Always focus on the users
In practise, shortcuts are practically non-existent. To increase the link-based popularity of a web site, it is important to focus on the users when designing an optimisation strategy. Quality content is the best investment, as this is what will earn the site organic links, as well as benefiting users and attracting the right kind of traffic.
