Barcelo Sevilla Renacimiento Hotel Hosts KIA Group Regional Middle Eastern and African Dealer Conference


The car industry continues to consolidate its position as one of the hotel’s most important markets.

The event was attended by the company’s chief executives, captained by Mr Tae-Hyun (Thomas) Oh, executive vice president and COO of KIA Motors.

Likewise, the owners of the company’s dealerships in the Middle East and Africa were also present at the three-day event, whose aim was to launch a new model and KIA’s latest ad campaign.

Due to its size and technical possibilities, the Barcelo Convention Centre was the venue chosen for a spectacular audiovisual setup that greatly impressed the attendees.

During their visit to Seville, the group had the opportunity to discover this stunning city, as well as the region’s traditions and cuisine.

Before departing, the Vice President thanked the hotel’s team and managerial staff for the magnificent service and for contributing to the success of the event.

The Barcelo Sevilla Renacimiento Hotel hosts the KIA Group’s Regional Middle Eastern and African Dealer Conference
