Atril Organizes Andalusian Entrepreneurs Day


For the second year running, the agency Atril Congresos won the bid to organize the 2015 edition of the Andalusian Entrepreneurs Day, sponsored by Andalucía Emprende Fundación Pública Andaluza, choosing Malaga as the host city of this successful event which attracted over 1,800 entrepreneurs.

Atril designed a programme with 60 experts and pioneering professionals in innovation, creativity, social entrepreneurship, education, and project financing, who presented a number of the most successful case studies related to entrepreneurship. Outstanding speakers, including Luis Galindo, opened the event, followed by the economist Jose Carlos Diez and Leonor Lavado, among other experts.

The event also allowed the attendees to showcase their own projects in a variety of networking activities held throughout the day – knowledge and experience available to a society that is increasingly more enterprising.

Atril’s team, comprising 15 members, including managers, creative staff, A/V technicians, coordinators and computer experts, contributed to the success of an event that required auditoriums, six meetings rooms, a catering service, an innovative badging system using QR codes and social media integration, the deployment of a large amount of audiovisual equipment, and efficient and effective management and coordination.

Atril’s creative team developed the conceptual idea "Work in progress", which involved the events structures and signage. During the day, the graphics were gradually completed.

2015 Andalusian Entrepreneurs Day
