AR Diamante Beach Included among 50 Best Companies to Work for in Spain


The prestigious research company Great Place to Work has certified the AR Diamente Beach Hotel as one of the best workplaces in Spain, based on the perception of the property’s employees, in addition to its human resources policies and practices.

After receiving numerous awards for its facilities, location and excellent service, the confidence that AR Diamante Beach’s staff place in the company has lead to the property being included in the 2015 list of Best Workplaces in Spain, an international quality certification reserved for only the best workplaces.

This new acknowledgement was announced last Wednesday by Great Place to Work, a benchmark in human resources research and management, when presenting its awards to the top 50 companies included in the 2015 list. Each year, the winners are selected after an across-the-board analysis of 300 national companies of all sizes.

Specifically, the AR Diamante Beach Hotel has come in 3rd place in the "50-100 employee" category, competing against brands as well-known as Mazda, Mary Kay and Sanofi. The importance of this acknowledgement lies in the fact that the Best Workplaces in Spain list represents the opinions of over 350,000 employees of the 305 companies that have been subject to this independent, in-depth analysis, using a methodology focusing on the points of view of the employees which defines an "excellent workplace" as one in which employees trust their bosses, are proud of what they do, and enjoy the company of their workmates.

Along with the other companies included in the 2015 list, the AR Diamante Beach has become a "good example for the rest of Spanish companies that make an effort to create excellent workplaces," as stated by Nicolas Ramilo, CEO of Great Place to Work Spain, during a speech given at the opening of the ceremony. He also added that his company "helps companies to create a workplace where people reach business objectives, delivering their best, and working together as a great team."

It is precisely these criteria of confidence, pride and fellowship that define the staff of the AR Diamante Beach – a team that over the years has stood out for its dedication. Thanks to this dedication and savoir faire, the property’s staff manages to convert each stay in an exclusive experience.

With this acknowledgement, the AR Diamante Beach has yet again raised the bar, since on this occasion the experience and professionalism that differentiate them are valued by the workers themselves, who feel proud of belonging to this extended family. As stated by Giorgio Ascolese, director general, "our employees are the heart and soul of the hotel and their job goes much further than making guests feel at home."

The property’s inclusion in the list not only consolidates the AR Diamante Beach’s position as a tourist destination, but also as a great place to work.

The AR Diamante Beach’s team
